The King and I

by Madeline Harper
(Honolulu, HI)

Name: King
Age: 4 Months

My husband and I had been discussing buying a puppy for quite some time, and eventually decided against it because we live in a small third floor apartment and thought it would be too much of a hassle.

Then one day I came home and he said, "I think we should get a puppy". Immediately I began searching the internet for puppies available in our area and found my beautiful baby. He's a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier that we named King, and quickly became the love of my life.

He never fails to put a smile on my face or make me die laughing. He is the sweetest, most gentle dog that I have ever met and will lick you to death if given the chance and insists that he really is a lap dog.

He came into my life when I needed him most and smothers me in love every second he's awake. He's my big baby, my cuddle buddy, my love.

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Feb 27, 2012
by: chanel

I LOVE ur dog King! he looks so much like my lily. pit bulls are the best

Feb 28, 2012
by: Joe in TX

What a beautiful doggie!

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