The Most Amazing Dog in the World

by Nikki
(Ypsilanti, MI, USA)

After 24 yrs of wanting a dog I finally got one last year. I was inspired by Cesar Milan's dog Daddy and then started watching Pit Bulls and Parolees and realized this is so the dog for me.

They are the underdog, misunderstood, and hated. Wow that sounds just like me. I was crushed by the Michael Vick story. I hate the man with a passion. Heart broken to think that a human being something that is supposed to be full of compassion and stuff would harm such an innocent animal.

Last summer I got my first pit bull puppy. My boyfriend and I got him from a little girl who rescued him from a park after being dumped by his owner. Her mother would not let her keep him as they already had an adult male in the home. My boyfriend and I raise him together and because he has had dogs in the past he is training me to be a great dog owner.

I love my pit bull and wouldn't give him up for anything. I don't care what the media and pit bull haters have to say. They are amazing, loving, sweet-hearted, goofballs who think they are big lap dogs and just want to make you happy and give you kisses.

At the beginning of this year I decided to institute the "Meet a pit bull challenge." I encouraged everyone to try and encounter a pit bull this year--whether it was at a shelter, thru a friend, or thru a family member. I wanted friends and family to really open their eyes and keep their minds open and really get to meet this amazing breed face to face before make a decision on whether or not the dog is "evil".

My mother is afraid of all big dogs she met my puppy and liked him and I am excited for her to see him when he reaches full size and he is still the biggest sweetheart ever. He loves all people and other dogs that he has come into contact with. I am hoping to change one mind at a time about this amazing breed.

I hate the people especially the government who think that they could just walk into my home and take my dog and put it to sleep because he is a pitbull. I am sorry. Over my dead body will you ever lay your political dirty paws on my pit bull ever.

There is no such thing as a bad dog just dumb owners and I for one am not one of those. I am a good pit bull owner and my dog is a sweetheart. People need to realize that this is a great breed--just like GSD's, Rotti's, and Dobie's.

Yeah, I have been bitten by several dogs before but I am never gonna stop loving them. I got bit by the tiny Yorkie next door. Shall we ban them next?!

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Mar 17, 2012
Proud mommy
by: Anonymous

Awesome article!

Mar 17, 2012
Amen, sistah! :D
by: Traci in Texas

Making your Pibble an ambassador for our breed -- and taking him out & about whenever you can -- is the way to sway the public's opinion of our darlings. Only when we can prove that the liberal media and politicians are WRONG will the general public realize their fears are only being "fed to them" by the uneducated...

Yayyyyy for you! Congratulations on getting your pup! And even bigger Yayyyys because you are committed to being a responsible dog owner!!!

Keep up the good work! Spread the love... :D

Mar 19, 2012
You said it...
by: Kathy

Education is key. I had the privilege of fostering a pit bull and fell in love. Sadly, the shelter opted to euthanize her rather than spend more time on her. As a result, I also decided to advocate for the breed. I'm amazed by how many people base their opinion of the Pit Bull solely on the information obtained thru the media. I spent hundreds of hours reading and reaching out to various groups like this one to educate myself because having this dog in my care, showed me how important it was to know the breed. She was lovable, but incredibly strong and very prey driven. In the hands of an uneducated owner, she definitely could have injured or killed a small animal. It was my responsibility to make sure that she was always under my control and to be aware of my surrounding when walking with her. I am a firm believer that no matter what the breed, if you opt to be a dog owner, you should educate yourself first about the breed you hope to bring into your home. I also am entirely against breed specific bans. Create and enforce laws that will require responsible pet ownership...Period! Thank you for being a responsible owner. Your puppy is lucky to have you.

Mar 21, 2012
thanks much
by: Nikki

thank you so much for the comments i was so very proud of the article. i have just discovered he wants to chase bunnies. he encountered one the other nite for the first time. my bf took control and there was no harm to the bunny thank goodness. i love pit bulls but love bunnies too they are so darn cute. we play to get a small creature to socialize him with so he wont be apt to chase them.

Mar 24, 2012
Terriers have Prey Drive...
by: Traci in Texas

Our lovely Pibbles fall in the Terrier family; which means a LOT of them have quite a high prey drive. That is one thing that makes them such wonderful Frisbee and Tennis Ball fetchers... LOL!

Teach her fetch (game ends if she doesn't return the item, don't teach her the Other game of Evasion!) to satisfy her need to chase/catch.
I have one who would gladly die for a tennis ball; and one who could not care any less about a ball...

If you get a house-rodent or cat or whatever, keep in mind that House Rules may be different from Outside Rules in their puppy brains. Where she may be perfectly OK with a cat inside the house, the same cat encountered outside will still be in danger of being considered prey.

(I've seen that one - we had three house cats, who were safe when inside, but when they each individually slipped out the dog flap and into the back yard - each and every one had to be saved when the dogs began playing Tug'o'War with opposing ends of said cats!) Eek!

Mar 24, 2012
frisbee dog
by: nikki

thanks for the tip. i think bruno will be a good frisbee dog we just got to get him the proper frisbee bc right now all we have are discs for disc golf and those are too heavy and could cause damage if hit with one. he loves balls and sometimes brings them back. he loves ropes too and is good at play fetch with those. maybe someday he will be a frisbee champ but who knows.

Mar 31, 2013
by: Anonymous

Generally unstable people flock to this breed because of their feelings of rejection they relate to this dog , I hope since you were inspired by ceasar and daddy, that you, also realizes that pack mentality training is the key to that dogs success tia torres does not use this method, however it is funny you, suggest banning yorkies lol the little ankle biters are not on my list of faves however you, show your dilusion in this being that if a yorkie bites you maybe you get some stiches but pits thrash and maul so crushed skull, multiple fractures, even a scalping from time to time, comparing pits and yorkies is like comparing a single shot and an automatic weapon, lets get real, just once I want to hear a pibble owner say I know they are dangerous and escape artist with a high prey drive and prone to dog aggtession but I got him fixed at 5mo have an 8 foot or electrified fence, and use pack mentality training now thats a responsible pit owner

Mar 31, 2013
back at you
by: nikki

I think it is bull that you are bashing me over not liking yorkies and trying to tell me pit bulls are so horrible. I think most pit bull owners are aware of what their dogs are capable of. Yes they need to be raised properly every dog does. You dont need a electric fence sorry and not all of them are escape artists. My mini pit doesnt escape or anything like you have describe. You dont sound like you really like pits to begin with. Oh and for your information i have been bitten by a pit i still love them. Your horrible little rant is not going to ruin my day or stop me from loving this breed and helping them. They arent vicious like u think.

Apr 01, 2013
by: Traci in Texas

The blanket statements you post are sooooo Liberal Media.

I've had one Pit that doesn't like other dogs.
I've had one Pit that could jump a 6' fence, but she wasn't one to wander or chase cats, or even go anywhere. She would come help me work on my car in the driveway.
I've had one Pit that is BONKERS for a ball.
I've had one Pit that had none of the above traits... he was a couch potato that wanted to eat apples.
I have had one that loved asparagus spears.
I've had one that loves dill weed, and fennel.
I've had one Pit that loves to hunt -- cats, squirrels, 'possum, raccoon, you name it! Yeahhh, even skunk -- oh joy.

Quit trying to label the breed.

They are individuals, just like you are an individual -- even if I think you might be succumbing to Media BrainWashing. ;)

You've never had multiples of something and noticed the differences in 'em?

May 23, 2015
been a long time NEW
by: Nikki

I have no idea if that comment was directed at me or not. I am well aware that like humans each dog has a different personality and will do different things from others. But i still stick to the fact that they are not all horrible.

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