The Rescue of Kadar, King and Billy

by Honie Allen

King is camera shy ALL THE BOYS

King is camera shy ALL THE BOYS

Bored and lonely one night reflecting on the rottweiler we lost i was browsing thru the internet and came across an ad "Pitbulls for sale".

After getting in touch with the seller we were on route the next morning for a 2 hour drive. When reaching our destination upon kneeling down 6 beautiful little puppies ran to greet me. After talking with the owner for a few minutes I looked at my husband and said we will take all 6.

The ride home was a little unpleasant with all the drooling from the puppies because being 6 months old already and never have been for a car ride, Billy had his paws on back of second row seating whining the whole ride.

Kadar and King quietly having a lap ride until reaching their new destination the ALLEN HOME. :o)

The pups had never been in a house so that was a chore all in itself making them comfortable. Watching them run around the yard was making everyone full of laughter and eventually coaxing them into the house where they fell in love with the warmth of the wood stove.

After a few vet visits the puppies were healthy as could be and 3 of them were adopted out to new homes--Three, Missy, and My girl. Kadar, Billy and King were to stay with us.

By April 2011 I still had puppies but, how they have grown and for them to think they are lap dogs is a sight all in its own.

Billy is an instigator always picking on King and Kadar. King is the speed demon upon running around the house and losing sight of the other 2 pups hides behind an object and watches them run right by (hilarious).

Funniest part to the story which i forgot to mention was introducing the pups to my 3 year old Sch-noodle who was and still is BOSS OF THE HOUSE.(LOL) The puppies get into all sorts of mischief and keep each other on the run.

They love being outdoors whether its sunshine or snow now on the other hand they do not like the rain. I am so happy we found who I call the BOYS they are the most gentlest dogs and make for some very laughable moments in my house.

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May 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

beautiful pups :O)

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