This is Delta...My pitbull who saved my life!=)

by Christina Stewart

This is Deltas Chillaxin pose!lol

This is Deltas Chillaxin pose!lol

Delta is 5 years old. She was born on may 14th ,2005. I was at the eye doctors office when i overheard a woman saying her daughter had some pit pups to get rid of. Well i had been in search of a pitbull seeing as how i was raised around them and had been wanting one of my own. I got the number from her called and went to pick my precious baby out.

I went her dad was gorgeous he was solid white with blue eyes and his name was Kilo...her mother was a reddish color with a black muzzle and a black stripe down her back. Delta was the only black and white pup of the litter,all the rest were a reddish color. They wanted only 50$ for Delta and 150$ for the rest of them...Well when i seen her lil chubby black and white body i knew i had to have her. She looked like a piglet.

I brought her home in a huge basket,she had her own blanket and everything. It took me a while to name her but i decided on Delta, well a while after she was home with me i started looking at all of her markings...well low and behold when you put her back two paws together the white forms a triangle...well you know what a triangle means in the south ..."Delta" yes her name was truely meant to be!=)...

She did the cutest thing one day i came home and she was in the bed all sprawled out and had this chilling look on her face! I have the pic for proof! It was hilarious!

Her most endearing quality is she LOVES everything...dogs and kids....Kids are her passion! She doesn't enjoy cats any more due to a friend
of mines cat who got her in the face and screamed VERY loud at her. So,now she doesnt like them very much. But i do not let her get close to them.

We love to go to the dog park here at shelby farms where there is a lake...she doesnt get in the lake but she enjoys all of the dogs who do! She LOVES to take a car ride..she doesn't care where to or for how long just as long as she gets to ride!=) I LOVE to see her smile when she is in the car. Everyone knows the front seat is HERS so they automatically get in the back! lol...she is a very spoiled princess...

She was my first..i have 2 other dogs...a 7lb chihuahua named Gabanna and a 3.5lb yorkie named Zoe....those are her baby sisters and she loves them dearly!

Delta truely saved my life. If she hadn't been in my life i would have shot myself in july of 2005. I was going thru a hard time. I was 6 months pregnant and lost my daughter. When my daughter died i thought i was dying and put a gun to my mouth. But all i could think about was Delta. So god put her in my life for a reason. I wouldnt be here today if it wasnt for her!

She brings such joy to my life..she has gotten me thru all of the hard times in my life...i am SO thankful for her!!!Dont judge a book by its cover! yes she is 82lbs of force but she is the most gentle beast i know! they say all bullies are mean and vicious! DOUBT IT! if you met my beautiful girl you'd get licked to death not bitten! so think before you judge!!!!

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Oct 15, 2010
by: Stina

Thanks Aunt TAM TAM! delta loves you to! and see if i could touch one person with my pitty love i know i can touch more people! she will be getting her certification soon to be able to go to the hospitals and schools to share her love! so spread pitty love and change minds and hearts any way you can!!! i am!

Oct 15, 2010
Hey Delta
by: Anonymous

Delta is the Sweetest girl I know and the only Pitt I trust around my children (although Delta has changed my outlook on the breed) ...
Aunt Tammy Loves you Delta!!!

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