You have a ver Beautiful dog, my Dog is named Titus as well, he is an APBT, all Blue with White under the chest, hes only 7 months old n is going to trainig classes right now, he is a very and loyal dog already n i cant say enough how much i luv this breed. The key is Education on the Breed so they dont go Extict and Banned from every City. Gotta luv em..
Aug 22, 2010 Rating
Beautiful by: Anonymous
You have a ver Beautiful dog, my Dog is named Titus as well, he is an APBT, all Blue with White under the chest, hes only 7 months old n is going to trainig classes right now, he is a very and loyal dog already n i cant say enough how much i luv this breed. The key is Education on the Breed so they dont go Extict and Banned from every City. Gotta luv em..
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