Two Peas in a Pod - Faith & Cicero

by Aiko
(San Diego, CA)

Faith is my 4 1/2 year old brindle baby adopted from the San Diego Humane Society. When she meets people and toddlers she'll crawl and wiggle her way to say hi then lick their toes and roll on her back for some belly rubs. It cracks me up when she does it and makes my heart melt - especially when she wants the attention from a child. Faith loves her agility classes, "brother" Cicero, and will do anything for mac n cheese.

We are failed fosters when it came to Cicero...he first entered our home as a 3 month old foster thru the Pit Bull Rescue of San Diego and it didn't take long for him to steal our hearts. Now at 3 years old he is the goofiest dog I have ever known. He makes everyone laugh with his big pittie smile and his very playful style. He knows the sound of a banana being ripped from the bunch, hides socks under the bed, knows how to give kisses without tongue, and loves his big "sis" Faith.

Together Faith & Cicero provide us with endless entertainment, tons of exercise, and loads of love - they make our lives whole and warm our home.

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