Venting about 'pit bull horror stories'

by Ashley Dowell
(St. Marys)

I have always been an animal person. I never cared if I had got hurt by any kind of animal, I would just assume it was having a bad day and go say, "Hi" again later. I have been attacked by four dogs. Three at once and of course one by itself. One was a black lab, which I knew very well ... and the other three were doberman's. Still to this day I would take in both breeds if they needed a home.

Don't let me blab, I'm just writing this because I saw a post of a "pit bull horror story". The girl was 14 and her neighbors pit ate her small dog. The mom took a knife to the dog and "gutted" it, as she put it. I'm not trying to seem like I don't care... because I do, I'd hate for anyone to go through that. It just really made me upset as I kept reading her story.

She's afraid to go outside because pit bulls have been created. That people are immature because they only have pits to look macho ... excuse me? I'm going to assume she's never been on a date if she can't leave her house knowing such a horrid animal breaths the same air she does.

I'm sorry to be rude, but I have got two dogs; a Catahoula Leopard Cur and an American Pit Bull Terrier. I rescued both, but Chevelle, my pit, was our first dog. I went to the humane society, looked at dozens of dogs... but this one little 2 month old puppy looked at me with these beautiful eyes.

She isn't but 10 months old today, but still she has showed absolutely NO aggression towards anything/anyone. She plays with our house cat, she wrestles with our other dog. She goes to the beach with us every time we go. We swear she thinks she's at the petting zoo. EVERYONE needs to touch that dog.

Just yesterday we babysat my 14 month nephew. My pit kept getting up to go check on him, would lick his face to make sure he was okay while he was asleep. Vicious ? I think not.

People who are afraid, or hate pits because the media tells them to do so - you all need to get off your high horse and go play with a pit. You will never feel so loved by any animal in your life. They let you know they need you. Just because someone got hurt by a pit, it doesn't mean you need to judge the rest of the pits you see. Maybe that dog was having a really bad day, or maybe that person who got bit deserved it by taunting it. It really aggravates me to see the closed minded people that are living on this earth.

It's not your world, you didn't create it. Ergo, you have absolutely no right to judge what's in this world. Especially not based on one single type of dog.

I'm sorry it's so long, but I needed to say it all. I would run in traffic if it meant saving my dog. If I ever got a divorce, my husband can have everything ... but not my pit. She's my best friend, my companion.

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Apr 24, 2011
The threat of Pit Bulls is real!
by: Anonymous

Pit bull owners all say the EXACT. SAME. THING. 'Oh, they are the most obediant breed! They are only a bad as the owner makes them! They have a bad rep because of the media/stigma/ignorant people/etc...!' - NO. Pit bulls don't have a bad rap because of media rep; pit bulls have a bad rap because they MAUL PEOPLE! They bite and maul on a regular basis. More than an other breed of dog! Pit bulls are genetically ingrained to lock onto a target and rip them to shreds until they no longer move. That is a FACT regardless of how a person feels about their 'Boo Boo' -or whatever other cuddly name they give their 'Death on Four Legs' pit bull. The list of dogs on Austin, TX 'dangerous dog alert' list is about 50% of- guess which dog? YEP. PIT BULLS. I'm a big black guy who could easily handle a pit bull, but now that I have a toddler there is no way on HELL I would trust a pit around mine or anybody else's child! They are just too predisposed for attacking. Here in Austin, NO PIT is allowed off their leash. NONE! When we go to the downtown park - which has lenient off-leash area - I ALWAYS carry a large stick or even a softball bat, just in case I have to beat the crap out of someone else's 'gentle/loving' vicious dog. Expecially around pit bulls.
- Dog lover, and former pit bull owner

Oct 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

I don't understand, she has no right to judge? She is not judging, it is her opinion, just like yours. If you had to witness what she did, you would think differently.

Aug 28, 2012
My daughter has a baby
by: Animal Lover

My daughter has a baby, two cats and a border collie, lives in a small condo with no yard and wants to recue pits from a shelter. She plans on having more children and babysitting. She's only 90 pounds. Now she says she'll wait until she gets a big yard. She has a big heart and wants to "save" these dogs. It is a sweet thing to do. Not knowing what blood line an pit comes from or what horros it had to face when it was a younger dog then mixing it with smaller living things is a recipe for disaster. She cannot even control her border collie and only takes it out two times a day, then ony for about five minutes, except for it's weekly walk! I agree with the self-described black man who posted above. When you have a toddler, it's best to put that baby first. Pits are great for single people who need protection, but not small people who want to rescue animals. Pits are not "people agressive" but see small animals as something to attack. Sometimes a baby sounds like a mewing kitten and turns years of selective breeding into one result: death. I just cannot seem to tell my daughter any different. I used to own a rottweiler. I've had all kinds of animals all my life. We re-homed our sweet rotti with a very good friend and dog breeder and believe it or not, my dog snapped at a point. I was horrified! What if my rotti had snapped with my kids? . . .and you know what? I defended that dog to my father who said any dog could snap, but 90 pounds of rottweiler could kill. I didn't listen to my dad, mother, aunt or any "old fool" who told me my dog was a danger. I only rehomed her when my husband found a job in another state. Yes, I've had collies and other breeds, even a dalmation over the years. The dalmation snapped at my face, but never made contact. I smacked her. She stopped. Then I thought about how big my rottweiler was and how we used to play. Even in play, she could knock me down. Had she snapped with my small children, there is no telling what would have happened. Some dogs were bred historically for their aggression. Not just pittbulls. So, I would say, any breed or mix that was bred specifically to kill or attack is not a sweet family pet. Let the people tell you their stories. They have had experience with things that maybe the bully lovers haven't had.

Nov 24, 2012
Ignorant and stupid
by: Jen

How ignorant are people to say pitbulls are dangerous animals regardless its in their blood! Are you kidding me you think humans are not dangerous? These dogs were bred as herding dogs and along the way just like everything else in this world someone manipulated and changed some dogs to be "fighting dogs"! Any animal has the potential to attack an kill its not just pitbulls. Which are not even the correct names for these dogs btw. Educate yourself before you make an assumption about a certain type of dog. You would not want someone stereotyping you because your black, blonde, big, or small. Think about Nazi germany and the men Hitler manipulated to do his work, same concept in these animals! I've owned three American bull terriers four boxers a black lab a chi-terrier mix Pomeranian and a bull mastiff plus some cats, I would trust any of these animals with my life and the life of my children most the animals listed above have somehow or another saved my life. Would I let my dog walk around unleashed ? No. Would I leave my dog alone with another dog? No because I understand that situations get heated and a normal loving dog can have moments of anger just like any human on this planet. Again knowledge is power educate yourself before making an assumption. I was stabbed in the chest by a 6"1 white man with brown hair and green eyes that wore a black hoodie therefore all 6"1 white men with brown hair green eyes and a black hoodie are dangerous and hould be euthanized. If we were going off some views of ignorant people!

Feb 08, 2013
To the first article, guy in texas
by: Anonymous

You don't know shit about pitbulls, just like the general public you watch the news, and believe it. Any bad dog press is immediately a pitbull attack. And you are a former owner??? You must of had a mutt or a pound dog that was abused. I read some stats in your area, most of the attacks are in the ghetto side of town were people get these dogs because they don't have balls of their own. I'm not discriminating, before I moved I lived in Detroit, bad area same problems. People who owned them didn't know shit about them. Educate yourself, these dogs are here to stay.

Sep 28, 2014
Threat of the pit bull is real response NEW
by: Anonymous

I read this comment that had the same title as mine without the response part. The Center of Desise Contral keeps how many people of dog hitting humans. There is no info. That says that pit bulls are the number 1 dog. You just an other person who would to like to see all pot bulls dead.Only 14 pit bull will attack, while the others are just kind loving dogs. Every breed of dog and bit so you are saying that all dogs should be banned from being owned. Then you will have half wolf or coyote x dogs running around. I don't even want to see your writing on this page anytime soon. Most of the pit bulls are trained to attack. I bet the little dog was driving the pit bull crazy so he too matters in his own paws. Then come the owner and gutts the dog. It bet she did it while it was alive. I understand if it is for food and it is killed quickly they would not feel anything. I hope the dog didn't feel much pain. Also if they just let the dog inside all the time that problem would never happen. Grrrr

I think if you wrote it better, like more clearly and get to the point quickly I would have given you 5 starts

Sep 28, 2014
Threat of the pit bull is real response NEW
by: Anonymous

I read this comment that had the same title as mine without the response part. The Center of Desise Contral keeps how many people of dog hitting humans. There is no info. That says that pit bulls are the number 1 dog. You just an other person who would to like to see all pot bulls dead.Only 14 pit bull will attack, while the others are just kind loving dogs. Every breed of dog and bit so you are saying that all dogs should be banned from being owned. Then you will have half wolf or coyote x dogs running around. I don't even want to see your writing on this page anytime soon. Most of the pit bulls are trained to attack. I bet the little dog was driving the pit bull crazy so he too matters in his own paws. Then come the owner and gutts the dog. It bet she did it while it was alive. I understand if it is for food and it is killed quickly they would not feel anything. I hope the dog didn't feel much pain. Also if they just let the dog inside all the time that problem would never happen. Grrrr

I think if you wrote it better, like more clearly and get to the point quickly I would have given you 5 starts

Sep 28, 2014
Threat of the pit bull is real response NEW
by: Anonymous

I read this comment that had the same title as mine without the response part. The Center of Desise Contral keeps how many people of dog hitting humans. There is no info. That says that pit bulls are the number 1 dog. You just an other person who would to like to see all pot bulls dead.Only 14 pit bull will attack, while the others are just kind loving dogs. Every breed of dog and bit so you are saying that all dogs should be banned from being owned. Then you will have half wolf or coyote x dogs running around. I don't even want to see your writing on this page anytime soon. Most of the pit bulls are trained to attack. I bet the little dog was driving the pit bull crazy so he too matters in his own paws. Then come the owner and gutts the dog. It bet she did it while it was alive. I understand if it is for food and it is killed quickly they would not feel anything. I hope the dog didn't feel much pain. Also if they just let the dog inside all the time that problem would never happen. Grrrr

I think if you wrote it better, like more clearly and get to the point quickly I would have given you 5 starts

Mar 27, 2015
Mark NEW
by: Anonymous

Hardly managed to run this network quite nicely and properly. To maintain products quality and its process, we have to find some good freelancers. Check review and share your opinion as well. I am really happy from good & positive comments posted by our regular customers.

Nov 05, 2018
Viscous Dogs NEW
by: Anonymous

This is not true. No matter a breed, you can not change a dogs genetics. You can suppress aggression, but not take it out of a dog. Dogs are known to snap without warning and then maul the family. Then the owner doesn’t know what to say about it.

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