What Sold Me On Pit Bulls. . .

by TinaH

Badger little over 1yr of age chased a squirrel up the tree lol

Badger little over 1yr of age chased a squirrel up the tree lol

(Click thumbnail to see full size image.)

. . .their relentless attentiveness, and eagerness to please is what sold me.

My four legged k9 companion is Badger, a beautiful 2yr old red nose pit. I used to be one of "those" people who was close minded re: Pit Bulls, until my sister brought hers here, stayed the weekend, and instantly feel in LOVE with the breed!

So of course, when the opportunity presented it self, I looked at a litter, and HE chose ME! I seriously could not ask for a more attentive, polite, Respectful, playful, mindful companion.

This is funny.......he loves to run/hunt rabbits with the old rolly polly female beagle, and seriously, he is very good at it! He went out with my husband last winter to do some rabbit hunting, and he run a rabbit right in front of him for the shot!

Ohhh and not only does he keep the rabbits out of the garden, but the coon as well, seen it with my own eyes lol. And of course, he likes to chase the birds away,

I get so much enjoyment watching him, and also the enjoyment of watching those who come to my home, who have misconceptions of the Bully, and getting the opportunity to introduce them, and let them see for themselves, that they are a wonderful breed. I will "always" have a Bully companion, they simply are the BEST....

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