Why does the media single out pit bulls?
by kasey
If 4.5 million people are bit a year, then why is it the news only shows the ones that have to do with a pitbull? I mean really, come on! I own 2 pits and I'm more scared of a chihuahua or however its spelled then a pit. I felt that way even before owning my own but seriously the media does pits no justice.. Pits are the most loyal, loving and cutest dog ever. It makes me sick that people move to the other side of an aisle when I have my dogs in Petsmart just because of their breed..seriously?!! It's not like I'd bring a mean biting machine inside a store..my goodness people. Anyways, pitbulls are NOT mean.. when they are raised with nothing but love they have nothing but love to give back !
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