Yes - Pit Bulls are dangerous!

by Marcus von Weigert
(Sage, California)

Beware of these dogs!

You find an abandoned and abused (starved to a skeleton, beaten almost to death, shot, and left to die in the snow in the middle of nowhere) pit bull (actually a pit-black lab mix) on the road. You take him home, clean him up and help him get well.

He turns out to be an awesome, amazing, and totally wonderful guy. For 9 years he's your best friend and inseperable companion. A dog that not only smiles, but actually laughs! You travel across the country with him, have incredible adventures, and consider him and the other dogs to be the sons you never had.

Then old age kicks in, his health starts failing, and despite all your efforts and loving care, he eventually dies.

Leaving you with a hole in your heart the size of an 85 pound dog.

So yes, pit bulls are dangerous - they come into your life for way too short a period of time and devastate you when they leave.

I still miss the hell out of my Lucky and even just thinking about him brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes, as I know it will for the rest of my life.

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Dec 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

I know your pit will never leave your heart and this is sad. So I don't think I know if you adopt another a couple years old. This will help you and just think what you are doing for the pit. All he or she will want is to love you forever as you know

Jan 01, 2011
Loss of your pit bull
by: Deb

Well, they say that when dogs die, they are like old loves. You never get over them until you get another.

As someone who was devastated by the sudden loss of our dog in 2007, the best thing that I (and the family) ever did was to adopt our current dog, Maggie, who is now a 4 year old Pit Bull. And she is the sweetest dog we all have ever know. She was about 6 months old when we got her at the shelter.

Sorry for your loss. When ready, adopt again. For us, it was really the only cure for dealing with our grief. And we were blessed to get our lovely Maggie.

Feb 20, 2013
I have the solution!!!
by: Anonymous

I loved this story! I lost my dog of 14 years (a collie/shepherd mix). She came to me a terrified abandoned pup. She was a fear-biter and it took years for her to overcome her terror of people. But in the end she was my constant companion and when I lost her, it left a huge hole in my life.

But then!!!

I adopted two pitties! And while I still think fondly of Keeper, my life with Kaylee and Bo is so full of wonderful moments, my love for life has returned.

High thee to a shelter and get thee another pittie!!! It will change your life. :)

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